Before starting the protocol, it is important to have an initial assessment session to determine whether the protocol is suitable for your or your child and to learn a little bit about the nervous system and how the protocol works.

The intervention itself involves listening to a specific series of songs totaling 5 hours. Adults may tolerate up to half an hour a day. Most children will do best with listening no more than 15 minutes a day. Listening can be done on consecutive days or spread out, based on you or your child's comfort level . Music is listened to through a non noise cancelling, over the ear headset. I will provide information about which headphones to buy.

Sessions should be done in a calm, quiet and comfortable environment with a family member or other supportive adult present for the duration of the session. The music is accessed via an app that I will give you access to and can easily be used on any mobile device or tablet.

The participant needs to actively listen and attend to the music for the time it is playing. Mindless activities such as drawing or coloring can be done during the intervention, as long as they don’t take attention away from focusing on the music.

During the intervention, the volume of certain songs may be quieter due to the frequencies being filtered. It is important not to adjust the volume but rather to listen to the best of one’s ability. There is a big variety in the songs played, and some will be repeated throughout the protocol. They may sound different due to the frequencies being filtered.

​People can experience a variety of sensations throughout the body during the treatment. Tiredness around hour three is not uncommon, as the middle ear muscles fatigue and the nervous system begins to more deeply relax. Occasionally, you may experience mild agitation in the initial stages of the protocol as the nervous system starts to engage with the sound frequencies. If this occurs, you may need to shorten listening sessions. Your support person can help you relax and regroup.​

SSP is most effective when combined with other treatments including psychotherapy, play therapy, or occupational therapy. I strongly recommend that clients utilize SSP as an adjunct service, not a stand-alone treatment.